
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Hello! I decided to start this blog for several reasons. Perhaps most important is my fatuation with seeing my words written down, and a blog presents itself as a convenient vehicle through which to write about my life and thoughts. (Please don't think that I take myself too seriously though--I don't promise or pretend to be a stellar writer. I just enjoy it!) Another reason for starting the blog is to have a place where friends and family, no matter how far away, can remain up to date on my life and my family's.

My life is at a curious intersection of many paths. I am a daughter, college student, and friend that enjoys being social, while also being a mother and girlfriend who is exploring and contemplating career choices. Usually people cross these various paths one at a time and over a time period of years-decades, even. However, life has decided to throw me into all those catergories at once. I like to think I am doing a pretty good job at staying afloat, and in some ways it makes me more relatable because I have to (get to) wear so many different hats at once. So I am going to try and take all this and use it to my advantage when writing this blog.

My goal is to discuss and write about a variety of different topics and ideas. I don't have a real theme to my posts other than me. I am the common thread to all these posts. One other thread I am going to work at keeping interwoven throughout my posts, however, is honesty. I am going to do my best to be honest with myself and readers in whatever I post. I suppose, by default, another thread will be humor because I happen to enjoy comedy and find it hard to be myself when writing if I have to always maintain a serious facade. Therefore, without further ado, welcome to Going With It: The Backwards Life of a Twenty-Something! Happy reading!