
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Breaking Bad....Habits

Sorry if the "breaking bad" caught your attention...this has nothing to do with the chemistry teacher turned meth maker. Once again, my apologies. What I do want to discuss today is breaking bad habits. As a parent we are our children's first teachers and often the biggest and most prevalent role models in their lives. Thus, our actions, especially when they are babies and young kids, pack a lot of punch.

A realization that I have had recently is that I might have already passed some bad habits on to Alex. It's not anything major or permanent, but in an attempt to soothe his every cry I have start both Alex and I on a dangerous road.

Now no mother wants to hear her child cry, and it is instinctual within us to want to soothe or fix or remedy whatever situation or circumstance might be bringing tears to their eyes. The only problem is that as our babies grow, they are going to encounter situations that cannot be helped and frustrations that cannot be fixed. They need to learn how to be patient and calm as well as how to deal with life's little obstacles. Thus by picking up Alex every time he fusses or popping a NUK in his mouth whenever he whines I am stomping out these chances he has to learn how to deal. I am a firm believer that a child or baby, no matter how small, is intelligent and can understand things on some level. He may not be able to verbalize his thoughts and feelings in words yet, but I do believe that pausing and giving Alex a chance to fuss for a minute and work things out on his own is beneficial.

I'm not advocating for mothers to let their children scream for endless stretches, but just pause and step back and observe your child. I have found myself surprised at how often Alex calms himself down after a minute of fussing. He's a smarty-pants even now and is learning how to fix his own problems because let's face it, no matter how badly we want to squelch every possible problem for our child, they need to learn how to do it for themselves because we can't and won't always be there for them.

So my goals lately have been to try and get Alex (and more importantly, myself) off some of the bad habits we've developed such as picking him up the minute he fusses, giving in to the ear-piercing screams and shrieks, and scooping him up as soon as he makes a peep at night. I think that Alex will learn a little patience and self-soothing and I'll get a little more sleep and eventually a more independent child.

Here's to hoping,

Monday, July 23, 2012

Here is Alex in a helmet that he tried on at Roscoe Village Bikes! Sorry for the red eyes--damn camera phones can't do everything! (:

Shit You See in Chicago

My latest absence can be attributed to the short jaunt I took to Chicago accompanied by my baby, my boyfriend, and my best friend. We went to Chicago to visit some friends and get in a little mini vacation. Given that none of us currently live in a large city and it has been many years since any of us has, we found ourselves amused at some of the sites that can truly only be seen when in a large city, namely, Chicago. So whilst in the car navigating our way through the maze of one-way streets and numerous speed humps we came up with a little list of "Shit You See in Chicago."

So today I thought it might be fun to share some of that list with you all! First on the list is: Rims on cheap, broken down, or completely average cars like Kias. Why people feel the need to put rims on cars at all is beyond me, but to put them on junk cars that are apt to combust at any minute or cars that are incredibly unremarkable is just silly. Newsflash--the rims aren't doing anything for you or your car except making you look like an idiot!

#2 on the list was Golden Angel, Apple, or Nugget pancake houses. Our first night in Chicago we were en route to The Bad Apple Bar (4300 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago-I highly recommend it) when we saw a Golden Angel Pancake House. At first we kind of laughed because of the name--Golden Angel? Seriously? But then our friends told us that not only were there Golden Angels but there were also Golden Apples and Golden Nuggets. We assumed that the other "Goldens" had differing menus. For example, Golden Nuggets would sell greasy burgers and fries. We were, however, wrong. All the "Goldens" are just pancake houses with different names. Now why would anyone want to go get pancakes from a place called the Golden Nugget?  Oh,Chicago.

Number three was hipster coffee shops. One in particular was called the Wormhole and there was absolutely no signage on it. It was just a dark gray store front with windows in the middle of a rather posh neighborhood. You know how there are exclusive places where you have to just know in order to find it. The Wormhole is one such place. You had to just know it was there or else know what you were looking for. We went inside and had some delightful lattes no thanks to grouchy, overly serious, pretending-not-to-care-about-anything baristas (or is it baristos since they were all guys?). Funnily enough one of the baristas with several painful looking piercings had enough humanity to smile at my baby and play peek-a-boo. Unfortunately, Alex isn't used to self-mutilated men and took no interest whatsoever.

One last thing on the list was drivers who actually knew how to drive and handle all the bike traffic and bike commuters. There is an abundance of these in Chicago and the drivers there thankfully know how to handle it all because they let them into lines of traffic and understand their signals. My friend said that if you were to try some of the stunts that the Chicago bikers do in Madison (where she attends school) there would be an insanely high death toll of bike commuters because Madison drivers just don't know how to handle bikers.

Adversely, one thing you can never see in Chicago is oncoming traffic. All the streets are jam-packed with cars and attempting to make a left turn onto a busy street is near impossible given the poor line of vision.

One last little shout-out goes out to Roscoe Village Bikes. They are a fantastic little bike shop in Roscoe Village (2016 W. Roscoe Street, Chicago). Our good friend works there as a bike mechanic and introduced us to the shop! They were all super friendly and good-natured! If you are ever in Chicago and in need of cycling supplies head to Roscoe Village Bikes! Also, congratulations to owners Leslie and Alex on the upcoming birth of their baby!

Thanks for having us Chicago!
Kate :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Well Let's Pack It Up! We're Moving Out!

Well the time is fast approaching for Andy and Alex and I to move out! In case anyone doesn't know, we are currently living the dream out in my parent's basement. (I always feel a little cliche when I tell people that part). However--we have found an apartment, have signed the lease, and are slated to move in on the 1st of August! We are more than thrilled, and impatient little me has wanted to start packing for weeks. I am happy to allow myself the privilege of beginning to pack things up! Unfortunately I have the classic case of overpacking.

When I pack for a weekend visit I usually begin with an overstuffed duffel. Then after going through the bag and packed outfits at least twice and taking out the three extra T-shirts (just in case) and the extra pair of jeans and sweats (you never know!) I can usually manage to zipper my bag shut.

I have discovered that this problem extends beyond mere weekend trips. It has followed me to college where each year I sit down and think about what I really need in my dorm room and end up leaving half a car load behind. Somehow, though, I still manage to have a closet overstuffed with clothes that I only wear once (if at all) and bins underneath my bed full of games and craft supplies that I was sure I would have a use for.

Our apartment is a small one with only one closet and I am more than a little fearful that we will have the place filled to the brim before we are even halfway done emptying the truck. So not only am I packing but I am also repacking and eliminating. And for every two boxes that I am taking with us, there is one box that I am leaving behind for my parent's attic.

And lord knows that even after all that, we'll still have too much stuff. (Talk about a first-world problem).

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Why Backwards?

The title of my blog, Going With It: The Backwards Life of a Twenty-Something, may seem a little odd. For one who does not know my story and I personally, it would indeed be confusing to use the word "backwards." I hope that by sharing a bit of my story that I might begin to shed a little light upon the thought process behind the title.

I am in my early twenties, still in college, and in a happy relationship with my boyfriend of 19 months. As you may know from mentions in my previous posts, I am also a mother to a 4 month old baby boy, Alex. Alex was far from being part of the plan. Thus I have accepted the fact that I am going to do my life backwards.

I had my kid first, am finishing college second, hoping to get married third, have some sort of a job or career fourth, and then perhaps have some more kids. It typically goes college, career, marriage, kids, and then more kids. My life is a mixed up version of that and due to this backwards order I have needed to develop a "go with it" philosophy.

Having Alex before completing college, getting married and all that other stuff threw me for a major loop as well as tossed in a whole heap of unexpected challenges. The best way that I have found to deal with them thus far is to just go with it. Resistance will get me nowhere and only create hassles. So there you have it--Going With It: The Backwards Life of a Twenty-Something.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Does This Make Me Look Fat?

Good day to all! Today I have been musing on my weight goals and just overall health goals. Having had a baby under four months ago, I have allowed myself a little wiggle room as to my weight. I mean come on, the doctor wouldn't even let me exercise for the first month anyways so I figured that if the pounds didn't melt away at first it was no big deal. But now, months later and with the prospect of returning to campus and seeing friends and professors that I haven't seen in months makes me I had been just the slightest bit more diligent in my exercising and a little less diligent in my snacking. It is true that I did lose about 20 of the 30 pounds I gained during the pregnancy just by having the baby (his name is Alex, by the way. Have I mentioned that already?) and not laying in bed all day. However the last 10 pounds to get me back to my pre-pregnancy weight are hanging on with a vengenance, and good lord is it frustrating! I know that bodies change with pregnancy but the fact that now most of my clothes fit funny is driving me up the wall.

So over the last week or so I have made it a pesonal goal to get in at least 30 minutes of physical activity, cut-down on the snacking in general and when I do snack make sure it is healthy. I have also decided to watch my meals (watch as in choose carefully, not stare at my food because it IS important to actually eat). I started doing a version of this about a month ago but saw absolutely no change in my weight whatsoever.

Therefore, I am kicking it up a notch and really going for this. I've found that sitting down and assessing what you can actually eat for a healthy snack instead of standing in front of the fridge and just staring usually results in better eating. Usually I do the latter and then get frustrated when I don't see anything tasty AND healthy and just go with something unhealthy. However, if I think about my options I can usually find myself a healthy snack without a problem (and it's still yummy). My snacks as of late have been a few crackers with a couple slices of cheese, a cut up apple, a few handfuls of homemade trail mix, and a smoothie. Plus I have been consuming copious amounts of water throughout the day. Folks, water is nature's best trick. It can fill you up without you even realizing it. So drink a glass or two of water and then have a snack a little later and you'll find you're not as hungry and therefore won't overeat!

As for exercising I have been vacillating between some Zumba workouts via DVD, walks with Alex, and core exercises mixed in with some Yoga/Pilates moves. I do like to run on occasion but I have had zero motivation for that lately (I think the upper 80s/low 90s weather may have something to do with that). But I feel infinitely better about myself after working out!

The power of a good walk is amazing! Growing up there was an extremely heavy-set man who would walk by our house almost everday without fail. He always had on the same gray sweatshirt and faded blue sweatpants, and he always wore headphones. We watched him shrink from a grossly overweight man to a tall, lean walking machine! It was amazing how great he looked after a period of time! I don't know what else he did whether it was a strict diet or extra workouts after the walks, but he looked amazing and has been an inspiration for quite some time now!

I know I am not the only one who struggles with their weight. I suppose the goal of this post is mostly just to relate to others because I'm not some ridiculous celebrity with the budget for a personal trainer, cute workout clothes, a nanny to watch my kid while I workout, or a chef who cooks with only the freshest organic foods. I was also not a skinny twig before my pregnancy either and a twig is not my goal now. Health and happiness are my goals and I hope they are yours, too!

Here's to us and our health!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


So, here I am thinking I can start a blog and will be dedicated and dutiful. I thought I was going to post everyday or most days. It has been 4 days since my last post. Pathetic. You know, the sad thing is that I have thought about the blog and things/topics I'd like to write about but whenever I come up with those ideas I'm either changing a dirty diaper, dropping off to sleep, bouncing a fussy baby, or making dinner. Basically, nowhere near my computer. Then I say, "Okay, I'll just write a post once Alex (my son) is down, and I have a quiet moment." Unforunately, I have recently gotten caught up in the wonderful legal drama by the name of Suits! For anyone who hasn't seen it, my boyfriend described it as Psych crossed with a legal drama full of beautiful people. And I have to say that he is quite right. Anyways, thanks to my new found obession with Suits, my nights have been consumed with catching up to the new episodes airing on TV on Thursdays. As you can see, I have awesome reasons for not posting. But, despite all these awesome reasons, I really do want to try and do better, post more, write more. So I may not be quite up to the task of a post per day but I'd like to try and do at least every other day. Think I can? We'll have to see. You're lucky you're even getting this post. I took a break from watching one of the most thought-provoking, intriguing shows on TV: Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Ohhhhh boy. I crack myself up.