
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Well Let's Pack It Up! We're Moving Out!

Well the time is fast approaching for Andy and Alex and I to move out! In case anyone doesn't know, we are currently living the dream out in my parent's basement. (I always feel a little cliche when I tell people that part). However--we have found an apartment, have signed the lease, and are slated to move in on the 1st of August! We are more than thrilled, and impatient little me has wanted to start packing for weeks. I am happy to allow myself the privilege of beginning to pack things up! Unfortunately I have the classic case of overpacking.

When I pack for a weekend visit I usually begin with an overstuffed duffel. Then after going through the bag and packed outfits at least twice and taking out the three extra T-shirts (just in case) and the extra pair of jeans and sweats (you never know!) I can usually manage to zipper my bag shut.

I have discovered that this problem extends beyond mere weekend trips. It has followed me to college where each year I sit down and think about what I really need in my dorm room and end up leaving half a car load behind. Somehow, though, I still manage to have a closet overstuffed with clothes that I only wear once (if at all) and bins underneath my bed full of games and craft supplies that I was sure I would have a use for.

Our apartment is a small one with only one closet and I am more than a little fearful that we will have the place filled to the brim before we are even halfway done emptying the truck. So not only am I packing but I am also repacking and eliminating. And for every two boxes that I am taking with us, there is one box that I am leaving behind for my parent's attic.

And lord knows that even after all that, we'll still have too much stuff. (Talk about a first-world problem).

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