
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Why Backwards?

The title of my blog, Going With It: The Backwards Life of a Twenty-Something, may seem a little odd. For one who does not know my story and I personally, it would indeed be confusing to use the word "backwards." I hope that by sharing a bit of my story that I might begin to shed a little light upon the thought process behind the title.

I am in my early twenties, still in college, and in a happy relationship with my boyfriend of 19 months. As you may know from mentions in my previous posts, I am also a mother to a 4 month old baby boy, Alex. Alex was far from being part of the plan. Thus I have accepted the fact that I am going to do my life backwards.

I had my kid first, am finishing college second, hoping to get married third, have some sort of a job or career fourth, and then perhaps have some more kids. It typically goes college, career, marriage, kids, and then more kids. My life is a mixed up version of that and due to this backwards order I have needed to develop a "go with it" philosophy.

Having Alex before completing college, getting married and all that other stuff threw me for a major loop as well as tossed in a whole heap of unexpected challenges. The best way that I have found to deal with them thus far is to just go with it. Resistance will get me nowhere and only create hassles. So there you have it--Going With It: The Backwards Life of a Twenty-Something.

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