
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

All That Glitters...

If you're anything like me, you sometimes stop and wonder, "Where does that come from?" Or maybe you ask yourself, "How is that made?" If you're like me you also love glitter and anything that sparkles. And glitter just happens to be one of those curious things. So just in case you ever wondered, here are some glitter tid bits for you to stash away in the back of your mind. 

Glitter was thought to originally been made from mica that was flaked off and used for ceremonial purposes and festivals as well as cave paintings.

Mica--the original glitter

Apparently, around the 30's it was reported that women would use lead to cover their faces and make them glittery. Unfortunately this also led to deaths from lead poisoning.The downsides of glitter, folks!

 Henry Ruschmann found a way in 1934 to make glitter from ground up plastics. He then founded Meadowbrook Inventions, which is supposedly still a large glitter manufacturing company today.

Plastic sheets that have several layers and have been colored through a chemical process are then cut into tiny shapes. You can see some of the the differing shapes in the picture above. 

Color me sparkling!


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