
Monday, January 21, 2013

Childhood Nostalgia

Ever have those moments when you see something from your childhood that you had previously forgotten about until that moment? Had one of those today. I was watching "Friends" with Andy and sitting on a bureau in Chandler's room there was an abstract construction of Toobers and Zots. Toobers and Zots were one of my favorite toys as a child! I have such distinct memories of getting them for Christmas when we were in Door County as a family and make crowns and swords out of them with my dad. He was always the most creative with them. I never saw them anywhere else. I didn't know of any other kid who had them, but I love them. So to see them again today, even though it was technically some time ago in the '90s that they existed made me so happy! Check 'em out for yourself: Toobers and Zots!

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