
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Waking Up Content

This morning was one of those morning where you wake up and things just feel right. You want to sleep more, but the baby is crying, so you pull yourself out of bed. But once you're up you feel quite awake. You make breakfast for the baby, pick up the kitchen and the few toys and things you didn't put away before you went to bed, so now you have a clean house. You turn on some good music. You look out the window at the such-a-pale-blue-sky-it's-almost-white, and you have a rush of feelings that give you a sense of gratitude to just be looking out the window at the morning. I watch cars drive by. Some stop for coffee at the coffee shop below our apartment. An ungendered person runs by wearing hunter orange gloves and a big scarf tied around their face (how do they breathe while running with that thing on?) A sweet looking old man toddles towards his car after meeting someone for breakfast at the little family diner a few storefronts down. Life happens, but it feels good. You feel good. I feel good. Happy. Content. I'm waking up content.

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