
Friday, January 11, 2013

Reading for a Rainy Day

Perhaps you are not as big of a Harry Potter fan as I am, but when I saw the link to this lil book on my friend's Facebook page, I snapped awake from my half-comatose Internet browsing session. It is called "James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing." It's by G. Norman Lippert. The link to read it online for free is right here.

 Little spin-offs like this make my heart happy because I am one of those people who is never satisfied with an ending. I always want to know what happens beyond. Do Lizzie and Darcy have children? What is life like for Katniss and Peeta? Therefore I was grateful to J.K. Rowling for giving us that blessed epilogue at the end of the seventh book because then at least we knew Harry and Ginny as well as Ron and Hermione made out alright. But then she goes ahead and introduces us to their sweet little children, who I, naturally, wanted to know more about. That is why I am so excited for this piece! Granted it is not written by J.K. Rowling, but I am optimistic that it will be well-written and in a similar style. Time will tell.

Bonus--It's raining here in sad ol' Ripon, Wisconsin (It's January--what the heck?!), so it's the perfect day and time to hunker down with my laptop (after Alex goes down for his second nap), and catch up on the life of young James Potter!

Ahh to be back at Hogwarts again...

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